Étiquette : kuomintang

Dear readers, fellow gamers, We hope you are all well and safe. Who does not love a good gangster story? With subtle threats, seedy trafficking, political corruption and open violence? These ingredients, mixed together, are the bread and butter of many more or less historical successful fictions – the Godfather, Scarface, Peaky Blinders, etc. China […]

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Dear readers, fellow gamers, We return today with the second part of our focus dedicated to the Chinese soldier in the 1920s. Today, we will delve into the complexities of recruitment in a warlord army. Sources of recruits In the early 20th century, the immense majority of China was still rural and poor. There were […]

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Dear readers, fellow gamers, We are back with the second part on the DD focussed on Factions of the early 1920s Guomindang, sorry for having kept you waiting! What sets us apart We introduced the 1920 factions to you in the previous DD. These GMD factions are notably gameplay-wise differentiated by their views on a […]

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Dear readers, fellow gamers, We hope you are all well and ready for a new DD! This time, we would like to address a key feature of Rise of the White Sun: party factions! Strength in unity In RoWS, you play as member of the Zhongguo Guomindang party with your own goals and ambitions. You […]

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